
Image result for colliscoolImage result for colliscool 

Age: 19
Gender: Female 
Money left in pocket:£150 

Lifestyle: In their spare time they would be found listening to music, create videos, hanging out with friends, and playing video games

Favourite book/film/game: They would enjoy games that are like Undertale, yet they also probably play short story games however they also like horrors both in games and films. They might also like anime style shows/cartoons.

Something they like to do at the weekend: Over the weekend they would be doing creative things with their time, such as creating videos or doing art. They would also be hanging out with friends in a shopping centre just having a laugh. If they weren’t doing this they would be doing something productive with a starbucks nearby.  

Where they go on holiday/who with: If they were to go on holiday it would probably be somewhere in a city with a group of close friends and just enjoy the shops and city life.  

Three things in their pocket or bag: Three things you would find in their pocket or bag would be: Headphones, chewing gum, Polaroid camera

Worries: They would probably be an anxious person who suffers from social anxiety. They are quieter so they overthink most things. However they are also a genuine happy person they just struggle with sad days.  

Job: If they are younger they would have a weekend part time job so they could earn some extra money, but if they were older and left education they would have a creative job that they generally enjoy.

Best friend: Their best friend would be have been the one they have known since school and someone they have spent a lot of time with

Favourite item of clothing: Their favourite clothing would be an oversized band top that they brought at a concert.

Most loved/hated thing: They would dislike people who are generally too big for their boots. They love going for adventures or trying something new, they would love doing this with close friends. Another thing they would dislike would be strawberry ice cream.

Spending power: They would spend their money that they have saved on albums and maybe a Spotify premium. They would also buy art supplies or camera equipment to allow them to do something creative. They might also want to do some baking so they would buy food to allow them to make cakes and sweet treats.

Name of product

Future Hearts
Target audience
16 year olds of both genders

Secondary audience

What appeals to the target audience about the product (examples and explanations)

The thing that appeals the most to the target audience about this album is hearing the new style that the band has tried with their songs and the way that they sound both lyrically and instrumentally, this would be appealing because the fans would be excited to hear how the band is developing their sound and becoming more mature with their genre of music.
Another thing that would be appealing is that it’s something new for the fans. It might have been a year or 2 since the band has done anything so this would be exciting and intriguing for the fans to hear this new album that the band is proud of.

Key influences on the target audience leading them to want to use the product (examples and explanations)

The key influences for the target audience is the hype the band does to promote their album, they will build it up for a couple months to a year, releasing singles or merch, sometimes even a tour around that album as a whole. The band will also be doing radio interviews which the fans will hear, by doing this the band is hyping up the product, somewhat convincing the target audience to listen to it.

This will influence the target audience to buy the album as the band is doing a big world tour  around the songs on it. The fans will want to learn the words to the songs so that they can enjoy the full experience of the show.  

The merch will come alongside the tour and album. It will help the band promote it to the target audience as it is showing off a physical feel to the album and making the fans proud to show off the album art work and promote the work of the band off to other people. Sometimes the band will only sell the merch at the tour so that the fans will have to go to the tour merch stand and buy it there, by doing this people will be more influenced to listen to the album.


The band will go on radio and TV shows to promote singles off the album and raise awareness of its release date influencing the target audience to be aware of it and by giving them live performances of songs and giving them an early taste of the album hyping it up

The band will sell merch on tour which will also hold some sort of promotion for the album as a whole because it will have tour dates and lyrics from the album printed onto them. By doing this the fans wear merch day to day promoting their band to people they see on the street.
